Saturday, February 12, 2011

Minggu Pertama SEM 2

Mengupdate blog sekarang semakin malas. Tak bermakna semakin rajin study ye tuan tuan dan puan puan. Ni lah orang panggil malas haram. Iyelah, sejuk skrg ni.Tengok tuh kat luar, salji turun berduyun-duyun, macam hujan polistrene la pulak. Dengan rambut yang panjang ini, dan semakin dah tak hodoh macam dulu (si makcik tukang gunting rambut cam hapa entah buat keje). So tujuan mengupdate blog ni, sebab, rasa macam malas nak update tapi update je lah.

Nak study malas.

Tapi bab nak main sekrang mmg rajin sangat ye. Ajaklah main badminton, konfem gua turun main punye. Nak nak tengah top form ni, mmg lagi best la nak bermain. Bermacam-macam skill menjadi. jangan buat gila.

Dah nak out. Mlas. Kbyethanxs.


Anonymous said...

it has been a while since my first comment. and you still do not know who am I. I know this is unfair but I think this is the best.I hope..

life getting tougher. with study and all the things..isn't it?..but I know, you will do well...

promise is a promise. you will know who am I as I promise to invite you to my wedding (but it is not soooo soon..I'll wait you come back for good..emm, 4 years more..i guess..)
promise is a promise..and i always remember it..

best of luck in your new semester..
we have our own life and I know that only us, know ourselves better.. study is or priority as we use citizens money..they hope something from us and we have to pay them back by study hard and serve them right after we finish our study..i remember your dream about the project to set a school..i always believe, if you really in it, you will achieve what you want..n you already have one English teacher to help..

don't have to say sorry if you can't update your blog often.everyone know what are you's medic and not all people can be medic students...but i know you use your blog to express your feeling and tough. go for it..

will off from wednesday- saturday for camping.can't wait for it..
sorry because it quite long comment..

take care

Anonymous said...

knp sy tak boleh baca komen saya dalam hensemituhandsome?


Unknown said...

thanxs for the comment or apparently a nasihat to me. thank you for understanding me since its been awhile i didn't update this blog.

actually im not that busy, practically. but, i just make myself busy each day, with notes, assignments and stuffs. and im still struggling to adapt in this new timetable. everything seems so unsystematic since my schedule starts early in the morning, and finish quite early, compared to other groups, they start late, and finish up late, but, still, they get to have a very dreamy yummy goodnight sleep, while i'm struggling to finish everything before morning. god, i hate this new timetable, pfft. thats why i can be much lazier than before in updating my blog, because, after class, for sure i am tired, so yeah, sleep, what else could it be. than wake up around 8, then, start doing homeworking, reading stuffs. then sleep. then, wake up early, again.

ah, need another 3-4 weeks to adapt though.

anyway, ENJOY YOUR CAMPING. a bit worry, because, yeah its camping, but, Insya-Allah, everything gonna just fine. thank you very much for the advice, really appreciate it ^.^. gud luck and take care! shalom (in hebrew) salam !!!

Unknown said...

and for the comment, i dont know why too. i didn't disable anything.

Anonymous said...

sy masih lg jenguk blog lama awk tu sbb cm yg sy bgtau, apa yg sy tulis sbnrnya lebih utk diri sendiri..dah cuba tp x boleh jgk..nk baca komen yg dalam "hotJam di" x pe la kalau x boleh..

grass always look greener on the other side right..harap awk boleh sesuaikan diri dengan jadual baru awk secepat mungkin..komen awk dekat atas tu mcm post update awk je..gaya awk tulis...

dan pasal camping tu, pg td ma sy call..dier cakap, jgn main air..(sy camping dkt PD) cakap ada aktiviti ckp, jgn main jauh2, main dekat2 pantai dah la...
sy ckp..."ma, kami kena kayak 10 km...." mmg ma sy risau la tp ni bukan first time...harap semuanya baik2 je...

thanks for of luck..take care..salam..


Anonymous said...

just want to share something..( i should sleep by now)

"Memang betul la kata orang. dengan berjalan dan bermusafir tu memang banyak sangat benda yang boleh kita belajar. Belajar daripada kawasan dan persekitaran,belajar dari orang yang dijumpai sepanjang permusafiran,belajar daripada ujian sepanjang perjalanan,belajar daripada orang yang menemankan.
Sekarang baru faham erti hidup. Hidup bukan hanya diertikan dengan not muzik atau warna-warna. Hidup bukan hanya diertikan dengan kejar harta dan kerjaya. Hidup bukan hanya diertikan dengan kejar cita-cita. Hidup bahagia bukan hanya diertikan dengan senyum ketawa riang gembira.
Hidup itu untuk akhirat.
Living here for the hereafter.
Permulaan yang berpaksikan pengakhiran takkan bawa pada kesesatan. Begin with the ending in mind"

" Sungguhlah,apa sahaja yang berlaku dalam hidup ni memang ketentuan. Hidayah dan petunjuk tu sendiri pula,memang hanya Allah yang boleh bagi sebab hanya dialah yang memegang hati."

hlovate. Contengan Jalanan [Ramadhan] Fend [end].

*emosi tidak stabil..saya dah buat salah pada kawan baik saya dan saya tak tahu mcm mana nak mintak has been 6 month and he now in volgo!!sy harap dia tak marahkn sy...

Anonymous said...

mcm mana minggu ni..
harap awk dah boleh sesuaikn diri sedikit demi sedikit...
semalam baru balik dari camping..
banyak benda baru yang saya belajar..
bersyukur sangat sebab diberi peluang utk join camping ni..
sebenarnya camping ni bertujuan utk melahirkan bakal guru yang berkualiti(harapanyelah)
walau apa pun yang orang lain rasa tapi pada pendapat saya, pengalaman yang saya perolehi sepanjang 4 hari 3 malam di port Dickson ni tidak ternilai..setiap aktiviti yang dijalankan memberi saya pengalaman dan ada sesuatu yang telah mengubah persepsi saya terhadap kehidupan dan kerjaya saya di masa akan datang...

lepas ni sy akan sangat2 sibuk dengan bertan2 assgnment, test dan presentation. tak ketinggalan school based experience (sbe) selama seminggu...tak sabar nak gi sekolah...
rasanya dalam bulan 4 baru free skit...harap boleh sambut birthday dalam suasana yang tidak memeningkan dan menyesakkan kepala..tapi lepas tu kne prepare utk final exam...

tapi tu la kehidupan kan..
jd student mmg kne sibukkn diri dgn stdy sbb tu mmg dh tggungjwb..

semoga diberi kekuatan dalam melaksanakan apa jua yang diberikan..

jg diri...(maaf la, ayat agak skema)


Unknown said...

Salam, sori baru nak reply. it's been busy. and its okay, mmg tipikal saya selalu ckp sori. dah terbiase sbb mulut laser.

anyway, when I was in school, I went to a lot of places, here and there, but, most of the time, the simplest place, place where people are expecting it's gonna be boring, apparently, its the only place I wanted to go. seriously.

what you just got, is the same feeling that I got past few years back then. Its not about the place, its about, how God destined us to learn something from it. so, ingatlah, and hargailah.

i wanna share something with, i dont know whether someone already knew about this yet, its about read. yeah R.E.A.D. I just got this idea when I was in class, seriously.

read isn't just 'read' itself. If it is, so, that is not so 'read'.

For me, read is R.E.A.D. So, wtf is READ?

E-Embrace the input
A-apply the output
D- distribute the knowledge.

Haha, its funny how i got this during the lecture, it was all of sudden. Pfft.

Kthanxs for your advice anyway. But, something keep bothering me though, you said you had a friend, male, and he's studying in Volgo right know, which means, he is of the same age as me, as you. So, I dont wanna know who he is, because I know you wont tell me, and there's no point to dig that from you or him, but what i wanna know is,

HOW CAN I HELP YOU WITH IT? Since its like keep guilting you more and more. So, can I help in the first place?

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