Monday, February 21, 2011

it's hard to deal

Salam y'all.

I'm back, bla bla, again. This time, in English, coz' I wanna avoid few misunderstanding about words. Because apparently, my words already been read wrongly, I mean, in term of intonation, there's some guy who read it wrong, so he banged me with his wrong misunderstand. WHICH ANNOYED ME because I AM easily feel guilty to someone, although yeah peeps know that I kinda of big-headed guy, I admit it, but, it takes time for me to change my thought, my decision. It's been like that, and it'll always be like that. But, don't just mock me like that, because, ONCE YOU HATE ME, you know, I HATE YOU MILLION TIMES more, and plus as a bonus pack- I HATE EVERYONE WHO IS RELATED TO YOU. Fuck, I'll never respect you anymore, fucker. So here it is, I quit.

Dude, since I was in the middle school, the things that I wanted to do to others, always gave me headache and the most pity part was, people hatred me. I hated it. The same thing as in INTEC, the same thing is right now. I wanna do my part, JUST PRIORLY to make something for people, and what I get in return? Craps, hates, and some kutuk-belakang. Okeyh, I'm not going to emo, if it is not a big thing, but fuckers, can you just get me straight to the point that "Hey, I'm not going to buy this!". Just get those words struck my head, you bitches! Okay, here it is. The thing is, in briefly, I wanna make a jersey, for this coming Moscow Games 2011. Everything seemed so okay, like yeah, "Ah, thanxs, good bla bla". In the end, what I knew "We're not gonna buy this; we didn't have enough money; we already had one, not all people can buy this". So, it's not that disappointing though if that's the only it. The thing is, by telling me after I DEALED with the dealer, after my father went to Padang Besar to observe some dealer, hey fucking volgogradians, WHY DONT YOU ASK BITCHES ASSES to do it yourself, and don't annoy me with something like this. AND NOW, IT'S GONNA END.

But but but why?

      Because it's too late to get along with your 'this-and-that-game'. You took my time, you wasted my time, and even more, you troubled my dad. It's nothing with me, personally. Get off me, bitches!

I'm tired of all this, I quit, and I'll never serve you. It's already late, morons.

Bye, salam.


Anonymous said...

tu la kehidupan kan..
tiap hari ada je dugaan yg datang tp antara sedar atau tak, benda2 macam ni la yang mematangkan kita..

awk mesti cakap, sy cakap senang la sbb sy tak rasa apa yang awk rasa tapi kena ingat setiap orang ada masalah masing2..

dan apa yang penting macam mana kita nak hadapai masalah tu..
bila saya berada dalam keadaan yang sukar, sy sntiasa ingatkan diri yang Allah ada perancangan Dia tersendiri..

Allah did not promise that the way would be easy. But He did promise that He would be with you in every single step of your life as long as you want Him to..stay strong...

semoga awk diberi ganjaran yang setimpal untuk apa yang awk usahakan..sekurang-kurangnya, awk buat sesuatu utk kwn2 awk kn..bukan pandai cakap je mcm yg lain..

stay cool ok =)

Unknown said...

glad that you said that. I did try to make something, atleast. I know its not easy, because I already expecting it to be happened, so yeah, it happened. anyway, still, i dont wanna deal with anyone in here anymore, it made me sick. either boy or girl, both.

i rather to be quite and do my own work, my badminton. =)

Anonymous said...

sy selalu cakap dekat kawan2 sy yg dalam persahabatan tiada maaf dan ucapan penghargaan sbb persefahaman dalam persahabatan tu tak memerlukan kemaafan dan persahabatan tu sendiri merupakan penghargaan terbesar untuk kita..
tp sy jgk yg slalu ucap maaf..tak tahu kenapa tp mungkin dah terbiasa..

"mrs ---"
you are welcome...
tetibe je jd glamour walaupun awk cakap blog ni x de org baca tp awk punya 'pathogenic acc.' tu bertambah je tiap hari...
terima kasih untuk itu...
sebenarnya tak perlu pun letak mrs --- bukanlah siapa2.. mcm yg sy selalu cakap, sy just nk kongsi pendapat dan apa yang saya rasa dannnn
awk sure ke yg sy ni "mrs"
sy x pernah mengaku kn...

yg pasal READ tu..nice..
"D" tu mmg kena la dgn sy kn..
bakal cikgu..
boleh la kalau sy nk tulis dekat mana2 nanti..jgn risau, copy right..nama akan dilampirkan..

yg pasal kawan sy tu, sebenarnya awk tak perlu risaukan sbb mmg tak ada apa dan siapa2 pun boleh buat apa2(ayat agak pening disitu)
maksudnya, x de siapa2 pun boleh tolong sbb sy dendiri tak sedia untuk apa2 kemungkinan..
sy sendiri tak mampu nak hadapi kenyataan..tu la masalahnya..
tapi sy tahu suatu hari nnti sy kena jgk jelaskn perkara sebenar tapi bukan sekarang...jd, tak berlu la awk rasa terggu dengan masalah sy..just want to share my feeling...bila emosi x stabil, sy biasanya akn buat benda2 yg pelik mcm bgtau org(sepatutnya diam2 dah la kan)

oh ye, school based experience "sbe" sy buat dekat penang..dekat sekolah bertam indah..sebenarnya nak buat dekat sekolah awk dulu tapi sbb kawan sy yg duk penang tu mak dia mengajar di bertam indah, so kami pun akan ke sana...x sabar nak g penang...dah lama nak pergi tapi ada je halangan..mcm dua tahun lepas, dah siap beli tiket train tp terpaksa canceled last minute. macam penang dgn kg sy tu jauh sgt je...insya Allah bulan 3 ni akan ke sana..semoga semuanya dipermudahkan..

best of luck in your badminton match..skali lg, maaf sbb comment ni terpanjang...cover utk comment yg satu lg tu terus..k...take care..salam..


Anonymous said...

satu lagi..
jgn rasa bersalah sbb x balas comment sy( assume you fell guilty when u say sorry)
in fact, sy yg rasa bersalah sbb ggu tahu awk sibuk but still sy menyibuk dekat blog awk ni..
sy ni cakap je sibuk ngan assgnment tp sy tahu sibuk sy x la sesibuk awk kn...
so, please and please, reply my comment when u r free..

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