Sunday, January 23, 2011

3: 31 AM

Hye and Salam.

Late in the morning, and yeah I'm suppose to sleep at this time. Well practically I'm not going to sleep this time, because yeah, tell me how many times you get a totally free time in your whole life? So, I'm considering the fact that, 2 weeks post-exam-break is a very big thing which I shouldn't waste my time to. See, you guys got the life, while I was not back then. Post-SPM breaks supposedly had to be the most joyful and you-get-what-you-wanna-do and without-wardens life (except for KTJian).
Well actually I'm having problem with my Circadian cycle, where my day turns to night and vice versa. Just now I watched Episode 13/14 of House series (season 6), which brought me to a big a question- 'Is blogging about my life gonna get even more worse like I'm gonna write what me and my future wife did every single day?'. It looks, to a larger extent, it might be true. Nevermind. Actually I'm blogging this out to answer my 3rd post's title, something like 'does my religion don't give a damn about failure?'

Actually it is. My religion does not give a damn about failure.

Which left you a total moronic head, if you believe that's true. You tried hard for everything, you get what you earn somehow. It doesn't has to be like 'Yo, I read that book twice but I still got C, so wtf?'. You don't get anything that you didn't deserve, theologically, not physically. Because living in this world do sucks a lil bit, but, I realize that, I get what earn to get it. You earned towards failure, you get it.

I earned towards being fucked up with the girl that I loved, and yeah, blame me because God already know that I'm not the best for any girl in this world, for some reasons that me and God only knew. I just knew it, but I keep denying it. I had a crush, lately with a girl, not pretty much, but she's kind. And I'm not that type of 'kind', so she's not so for me. In fact, none of girls in this world meant for me. Well, Hafidz, you just stepped back to reality where you can see this world as it is- a courtesy of life. Enough about this. Sorry for bragging this up. Seriously, if anyone who likes me, then she hates me, you guys should thank God for that, because, it's the right thing to do. The same goes if I make you to hate me. About that girl, I've no feeling towards her anymore. She should be lucky.

Anyway, about that 'failure' thing, actually I just had enough listening to 2 these kinds of situation. Most Malays (Muslims) who failed, or didn't get any excellent marks they would just say "Pasrah and redha". Yes, in the sense that it is comforting you after a bloody-disappointing-failing-rush, it might work. I don't mean that we should be like others who are non-Muslims, who gets to stress out when they didn't get what the worked for. I'm talking a major part of Muslims. You know, if you keep saying that 'The sky is blue, and how beautiful is Allah's creation', we are so gonna be left out. That's why we will never gonna stand up, because we didn't doubt and put question mark in every single thing that we see, because we just accept it like God meant it to be happened. This is totally wrong. We believe in God, but God doesn't mention anything that we have to believe Him, directly. How can you love someone if we didn't know her?

Tepuk dada, tanya selera.



AlyB said...

someone out there is perfect for you.. positive laa ckit.. =)

sometimes opposite things attract, that's what make it whole.. she got something you don't have, and you have something she doesn't have..

Khadijah Iderus said...

Haha. gile honest!

Unknown said...

farah: den tapenah positive dalam life, semua negatiffffff jeee. sick of being postive and got 'beautifully-pack-crap'. :(

orang tipikal: hohoho, blog baru kena ada tembakan honest baru !!!

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