Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rasa seorang ibu

Salam peeps.

First of all, why is it the word 'salam' is not in dictionary? WHY? Why is the word 'shalom' is in dictionary? Man, Jews are racist. Boo ya' !! 

Not a nice intro isn't it? Anyway, don't be surprise of all sudden, I'm back blogging although it is not often as last year, or past 3 weeks, but this week I am done with study. Tired, really tired. Tomorrow I'm gonna have a men's double badminton final, so I should rest by now, but yeah...


   I have to make notes, not only for BIochemistry, but Economy, Philosophy, and some other retarded subjects, which definitely piss me off. Why should a doctor know all these subjects? Why? Can someone explain this to me? Why? But last time, my Microbes sucks. I don't know, I already prepared for that class, and as always, those Indian students didn't prepared anything acting like they are geniuses. Nevermind, not all people should be like other people, they are good (I mean really good) in some other way, like dancing, cooking (GOD I LOVE THEIR COOKING). 

Random question: Why my stats are increasing everyday, like there's a lot of people arrived here in my blog? Sheesh, Who are you guys? I'd never tell more than 10 persons about my blog, sheesh. This is awkwardo. 

Today, it was me on duty to cook for my housemate. I'm suck in cooking, oh wait, I'm suck in everything except sleeping, so yeah, don't expect anything good from me, especially cooking (even to fry nuggets, seriously). Because I have the habit of experimenting things, and my curiosity always overtook me to put some other things in my cooking. Luckily no one was poisoned by me back then. But today is my lucky day. I don't know, everything seems working. I made a sambal ikan bilis, with extra spicy and belacan, and tomato sauce and i-d-k-whatever-thing I put in that cooking. But it taste good. And even more, if someone eat your cooking, and wanted to add some more, it will feel like all the penat lelah is paid. Seriously.

And that's how your mom feels when you say 'Mak, mak masak sedap gila hari ni, sampai bila-bila pun, nak tambah lagi boleh?'. And I'm pretty sure your mom is smiling while she's putting some more on your plate. Because, mom's cooking isn't like restaurant's cooking. It has an ajinamoto of love in it. God, I really love my mom's cooking, I feel like I wanna my mom to post me her sambal here =(   . So my point is, girls out there, although I'm a loser to you guys, but, please bear in mind, if you can't cook, your family isn't gonna be good. Seriously, cook is a key of happiness. It's not your shawl, it's not your Prada bag, or your Jimmy Choo. 

Pesanan dari penaja: Slavahuyevsky. 


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