Friday, November 4, 2011

One of the greatest moment of my life...


I don't know, I'm kinda weird. Like every single time I saw this moment, I just can't stop smiling. Yeah, myself, smiling, which one of the hardest thing that I can't do, apart of talking to girls. And I know, for sure, that not everyone knows about this.

Almost one time a week, I always had a chance to look at this. Yeah, even I can't stop smiling from now. Please, don't get me wrong. I'm smiling because I am happy, no tears, no sweat. You know, when you were walking down the street, wandering around the park, when you see kids and their mother. Playing around, walking around the trees. Or maybe those mothers who always bring out their kids/babies to take a deep fresh air outside, these are the moments that I really feel that the world is peace, full of love.

Or even when I watch video. Like this video:

See how Nancy playing with Jose Luis, it's sooo gonna make me smile. The same thing over here when I see kids, playing around our apartment, or the parks. Perhaps, maybe this is the only reason for me to keep smiling in here. And badminton.

Others not.

Someone told me that, I am not a foreveralone guy. Actually I do. I play games, I shop, I blog. Like forever alone guys  do. I guess cool guys do this :/

Okeh, bukan emo. Tapi layan jiwang. Please if you really wanna feel what I'm feeling right now, open YouTube, and search for any soundtrack from Grey's Anatomy. The series sucks**, I know, but the songs are hell GOOD!

**no medic, no case, sex all the time, that's boring! I mean, be more medic please?

Episode 11 season 2 currently.

Owh here I think gonna be first V-LOG =/ I found this in my hard disk, I uploaded for quite a while, but never thought of posting it here. This video aged about a year, so yeah, enjoy, the first moment when I adopted Naomi, from the cold streets of Winter-Autumn. :)



Nurul Idayu said...

ohhhooooo...chomel gler kucing tu..naomi eh nme dye? muka dye sgt suwit,sgt chomellllllllllllll,geram~

Unknown said...

hahaha sila bangga dengan tuan dia yang ohsem jugak :DDDDDDD

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