Wednesday, January 26, 2011



Life goes pretty boring. I didn't go anywhere today, except that I just hugged my kittens, slept with them and heard them purring so loudly. Seriously my kittens purr so loudly, you can even hear it 4 meters away, not like those kittens in Malaysia. Sometimes it might sounds so annoying, but sometimes it could a perfect lullaby for me to sleep. Like now, I wanna sleep, after I ate my cheesecake which I made them yesterday.

Anyway, pukul 12 tadi I was so cuak nak mati. Cam, tetibe dalam bilik terdengar someone clicking something in my room, while I was sleeping in the ruang tamu. Creepy though. Yesterday I slept at 7.45 a.m something like that, sebab seriously tak boleh tidor langsung. Tapi skrg baru pukul 1:40 pagi, tu pun, lepas aku bangun pukul 11 tadi. Sebab nak sembahyang, sebab tak baca Al-Quran lagi, and kena buat some washing.

Hidup aku, zaman gila babeng punya time sekolah was pretty a loser. No one ever recognized me. Neither boys nor girls. That time, I just thought that pergi sekolah it is for belajar, that's why I worked hard for it. And I ended in Russia right now. Honestly, I felt not worth it. But syukur. And back then in school, I have problem with my sabar. It can be my temper/patient. Because I have problems with 'waiting'. I can't wait for something, I just want it to be done as fast as I can and I get the result as fast as possible. But it proves that kalau kita sabar tunggu, we'll get the best, because it is the right time.

Macam kawen, I think I just should sabar. *Okeh jangan mimpi la kaw nak kawen-kawen*. Macam nak melancong ke Eropah, I think I just should sabar. Macam nak camera DSLR, I think I just should sabar. Macam this year punya cuti, sori kengkawan I AM GOING BACK TO MALAYSIA, SINCE WE'VE GOT MORE THAN 3 WEEKS PUNYA CUTI. Worth it. Sebab kalau cuti 2 minggu lebih, mmg better tak yah balik malaysia, but more than 3 weeks, berbaloi-baloi. So I'm planning on going on vacation too. Where? I haven't decide it yet. I feel so damn perfect.

Anyway, that time kan nak dekat raya, my flight maybe around 26 August tuh, so, raya 31 August, so still tak sempat. Hope I've got my visa keep safe and sound in my pocket. =)

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